Telephone: +86-532-66782506
E-mail: jtwang@ouc.edu.cn
1989.9-1994.7Department of Chemistry, OceanUniversity of China, Ph.D. degree, majoring inmarine chemistry
1985.9-1989.9Department of Chemistry, Ocean University of China, Bachelor’s degree
2003.10-now College of Chemistryand Chemical Engineering, Ocean University of China,Professor
2001.10-2003.9 Postdoctoral research in Ocean ResearchInstitute, TokyoUniversity
2000.12-2001.9 College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering,Ocean University of China,Professor
1997.12-2000.12 College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering,Ocean University of China, Associate Professor
1994.7-1997.12 College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering,Ocean University of China,Teacher Lecturer
1、Eutrophication in coastalsea;
2、Allelopathy in ocean;
3、Application of molecularimprinting technology for analysis of marine organic pollution substance.
RepresentativePublications and Achievements (in recent two years)
1、Hongju Qi, Jiangtao Wang, Zhaoyu Wang. A comparative study ofmaximal quantum yield of photosystem II to determine nitrogen and phosphoruslimitation on two marine algae. Journal of Sea Research, 2013, 80:1-11
2、Zi-Ru Lian, Jiang-Tao Wang. Study of molecularly imprintedsolid-phase extraction of gonyautoxins 2,3 inthe cultured dinoflagellate Alexandrium tamarense by high-performance liquidchromatography with fluorescence detection. Environmental Pollution, 2013, 182:385-391
3、JIANGTAO WANG, YIWEN ZHANG, HUI LI AND JING CAO,Competitive interaction betweendiatom Skeletonema costatum and dinoflagellate Prorocentrum donghaiense inlaboratory Culture. J. Plankton Res. 2013, 35(2): 367-378
4、Di Zhao, Jiangtao Wang, Liju Tan, Cuiyu Sun, Junni Dong, Synthesisof N-furoyl chitosan and chito-oligosaccharides and evaluation of theirantioxidant activity in vitro. International Journal of BiologicalMacromolecules, 2013, 59:391–395
5、Ziru Lian, Jiangtao Wang. Determination of crystal violet inseawater and seafood samples through off-line molecularly imprinted SPEfollowed by HPLC with diode-array detection. J. Sep. Sci. 2013, 36, 980–985
6、Dandan Song, Yiming LI, Shengkang Liang, JiangtaoWang. Micellebehaviors of sophorolipid/rhamnolipid binary mixed biosurfactant systems. Colloidsand Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2013, 436(5): 201-206
7、Qi Hongju, Wang Jiangto, Wang Zhaoyu. A comparative study of the sensitivityof Fv/Fm to phosphorus limitation on four marine algae. J. OceanUniversity,2013, 12(1): 77-84
8、Ying Liu, Di Zhao, JiangtaoWang. Preparation of O-Carboxymethyl chitosan by Schiff Base and AntibacterialActivity. Advanced Materials Research, 2013, 647: 794-797
9、LIU Yan, WANG JiangTao, WANG ZhuQing, GONG XiaoDong, YANG Bing, TANLiJu1 & QI Bin. Nighttime peroxy radicals chemistry at Rishiri Islandduring the campaign RISFEX 2003. SCIENCE CHINA-Chemistry, 2012, 55(11):2450–2461
10、Bioaccumulation ofFe2O3(magnetic) nanoparticles in Ceriodaphnia dubia. Environmental Pollution,2012.
11、Toxicity of lead onCeriodaphnia dubia in the presence of nano-CeO2 and nano-TiO2. Chemosphere,2012.
12、Molecularly imprinted polymerfor selective extraction of malachite green from seawater and seafood coupledwith high-performance liquid chromatographic determination. Marine PollutionBulletin, 2012.