Dr. Prof. YangdongHU

Doctoral supervisor, Professor
Academic part-time: Committee member of Chemical Engineering Teaching Guidance Committee, Ministry of Education.
Telephone: +86-532-66782141,13573893907
E-mail: ydhuhd@ouc.edu.cn
Educational Background
1978-1982, Nanjing institute of chemical technology, Polymer chemical technology, Bachelor
1982-1984, Nanjing institute of chemical technology, Chemical engineering, Master
1996-2000, South China University of Technology, Chemical engineering, PhD
Career History
1987-1992,Qingdao Institute of Chemical technology, Computer and Chemical Engineering Research Center , assistant professor
1992-1996, Qingdao Institute of Chemical technology, Computer and Chemical Engineering Research Center , associate professor
1996-2001, Qingdao Institute of Chemical technology, Computer and Chemical Engineering Research Center, professor
1995-1998, Qingdao Institute of Chemical technology, Computer and Chemical Engineering Research Center, Director
2001-present, Ocean university of China, College of Chemistry and chemical engineering,Professor,the dean of chemical engineering department
Research Interests
1. Processsystemengineering:Synthesis of reactor network, Separation processes synthesis, the system integration of energy utilization, Chemical process simulation and analysis, chemical equipment technical renovation
2. Chemical Engineering: Chemical thermodynamics, computational fluid dynamics, powder engineering
3. Seawater utilization: seawater desalination, water treatment
Representative Publications and Achievements
1. Guo, Lei;Hu, Yangdong; Wang, Yan; Wu, Lianying,A quasi-ternary wet residue method applied to solid-liquid equilibrium systems,Fluid Phase Equilibria, 2018,456:161-167。
2. Liang, Chen,Hu, Yangdong; Wang, Yan; Wu, Lianying; Zhang, Weitao,Production of levulinic acid from corn cob residue in a fed-batch acid hydrolysis process, Process Biochemistry, 2018, 73:124-131
3. Xu, Xianzhen; Hu, Yangdong; Wang, Xi; Wu, Lianying, Experimental and modeling of vapor-liquid equilibria for mixed electrolyte solution systems, Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 2016, 61(7):p 2311-2320
4. Chen, Xia ; Zhang, Weitao; Wu, Lianying; Xu, Xianzhen; Hu, Yangdong,Experimental and modeling of dissolution kinetics for the sparingly soluble electrolyte,Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan, 2017, 50(4): 291-296,
5. Wu, Xianli; Hu, Yangdong; Wu, Lianying; Li, Hong, Model and design of cogeneration system for different demands of desalination water, heat and power production, Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2014, 22(3):330-338
6. Guo, Lei ; Hu, Yangdong; Wu, Lianying; Liang, Chen; Zhang, Weitao,The green hydrolysis technology of hemicellulose in corncob by the repeated use of hydrolysate, Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2018, 26(1):191-195
7. Xu, Xianzhen; Hu, Yangdong; Wu, Lianying; Chen, Xia, A new model in correlating and calculating the solid-liquid equilibrium of salt-water systems,Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2016, 24(8):1056-1064
8. Guo, Lei; Wu, Lianying; Zhang, Weitao; Liang, Chen; Hu, Yangdong, Experimental measurement and thermodynamic modeling of binary and ternary solid–liquid phase equilibrium for the systems formed by L-arabinose, D-xylose and water, Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2017, 25(10):1467-1472
9. Guo, Lei ; You, Weina; Zhao, Xin; Hu, Yangdong; Wu, Lianying, Pretreatment technology of desalination and deproteinization of corn cobs, Chemical Industry and Engineering Progress, 2017, 36(5):1927-1932
10. Chen, Xia ; Xu, Xianzhen; Wu, Lianying; Hu, Yangdong, Separation process synthesis by illustration method for disalt system with the same anionic, CIESC Journal, 2017, 68(4):1452-1458
11. Li, Yulong ; Hu, Yangdong; Wu, Lianying,Application of piecewise derivative analysis in process synthesis of aniline and formaldehyde condensation reaction, CIESC Journal, 2014, 65(3): 976-980
12. Zhang, Lianming; Hu, Yangdong; Wu, Lianying; Zhang, Weitao, Effect of feeding sequence on solubility of two salts, CIESC Journal, 2015, 66(12):4730-4735
13. Li, Hong; Wu, Lianying; Shang, Fengying; Lü, Shiqiang; Hu, Yangdong, Optimal plan and scheduling of multi-stage drying system, CIESC Journal, 2012, 63(7):2136-2142
14. Kong, Minghua ; Wu, Lianying; Xu, Xianzhen; Hu, Yangdong, Kinetics of polyesterification: ethylene glycol with maleic anhydride and tetrabromo phthalic anhydride, CIESC Journal, 2015, 66(11): 4446-4451
15. Li, Yonggang ; Hu, Yangdong; Wu, Lianying; Hong, Li , Numerical simulation analysis of temperature field on silicon carbide synthesis furnace, Materials Science Forum, 2011, 686: 494-500
16. Liu, Qingzhi ; Hu, Yangdong; Yang, Dengfeng; Liu, Guangzeng, Molecular dynamics simulation of amino acid diffusion coefficient, Journal of Chemical Industry and Engineering (China), 2007, 58(4):842-847
1.EngineeringChemical Simulated System, the national natural science fund projects, award for the second prize of National Scientific and Technological Progress Award in1988
2.Theresearch and development of MDI manufacturing techniques,Shandong province science and technology commission project, award for the second prize of National Scientific and Technological Progress Award in1999