Dr. Haibing Ding,Professor ofthe Key Laboratory of Marine Chemistry Theory and Technology (Ocean Universityof
China), Ministry of Education, academic Leader. He was awarded by theProgram for New Century Excellent Talents in University from the Ministry ofEducation in 2010. He obtained his BachelorDegree from the Ocean University of Qingdao (currently, Ocean University ofChina) in 1993, majored in Marine Chemistry. From 1994 to 2004, he studied in the Ocean University of Qingdao inChina, the University of Delaware, the University of California at SantaBarbara and the University of Georgia in the USA. He obtained his Master ofSciences from the Ocean University of Qingdao in 1997, majored in MarineChemistry, Master of Arts from the Unviersity of California at Santa Barbara in1999, majored in Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology, and Doctor of Philosophyfrom the Unversity of Georgia in 1999, majored in Oceanography. In 2005, he joined the University ofCalifornia at Santa Barbara as a post-doctoral researcher, senior researchassociate and research specialist. He was also the student advisor of theCalifornia NanoSystems Institute. From June, 2009, he became a professor in theCollege of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering and the Key Laboratory of MarineChemistry Theory and Technology (Ocean University of China), Ministry ofEducation. Haibing Ding participated in several projects of the NationalScience Foundation and the American Chemical Society. Haibing Ding is theprincipal investigator of several projects of the National Science Foundationof China, Science Foundation of Shandong Province and etc.. He published more than 20 peer-review papersin Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, Journal of Geophycial Research, MarineChemistry and etc., 16 of them has been embodied by SCI.