Dr. Prof. HaiyanBIE

Associate professor
Telephone: +86-132-10080756
E-mail: haiyanbie@ouc.edu.cn
Educational Background
2002.9-2006.6, Shandong University, Process Equipment and Control Engineering, Bachelor Degree
2006.9-2011.6, Zhejiang University, Institute of Process Equipment,PhD
Career History
2011.7-2015.11, Ocean University of China, College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Lecturer
2015.12-Present,Ocean University of China, College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, associate professor
Research Interests
1. Design and optimization of jet reaction process
2. Flow mechanism of energy recovery equipment
3. Process intensification technology and equipment
4. Fire-resistant performance of pressure vessel
Representative Publications and Achievements
[1]. Haiyan Bie, Zongrui Hao. Simulation analysis on the risk of hydrogen releases and combustion in subsea tunnels,International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Volume 42, Issue 11, 16 March 2017, Pages 7617-7624
[2]. Haiyan Bie, Jianjun Ye, Zongrui Hao. Effect of Nozzle Geometry on Characteristics of Submerged Gas Jet and Bubble Noise. Journal of the Association for Laboratory Automation, 2016 Oct; 21(5): 652-9.
[3]. Haiyan Bie, Zongrui Hao,Weizhong An and Jia Xu. Simulations of cavity flow noise and turbulent jet noise using a hybrid method. Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 2016, 8.
[4]. Haiyan Bie, Jintao Liu, Zongrui Hao, et al. Turbulence simulations of flow past a circular cylinder based on a nonlinear partially averaged Navier–Stokes (PANS) method. Modern Physics Letters B, 2015, 29(25).
[5]. Tong Liu, QingtaoWang, Bingzheng Yan, Mei Zhao, Wenbo Li, and Haiyan Bie*. Ru Nanoparticles Supported on MIL-101 by Double Solvents Method as High-Performance Catalysts for Catalytic Hydrolysis of Ammonia Borane[J]. Journal of Nanomaterials, 2015, 2015:1-5.
[6]. Jinyang Zheng, Haiyan Bie, Ping Xu, Pengfei Liu, Yongzhi Zhao, Honggang Chen, Xianxin Liu, Lei Zhao. Numerical simulation of high-pressure hydrogen jet flames during bonfire test. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2012, 37(1): 783-790
[7]. Jinyang Zheng, Haiyan Bie, Ping Xu, Honggang Chen, Pengfei Liu, Xiang Li, Yanlei Liu. Experimental and Numerical Studies on the Bonfire Test of High-pressure Hydrogen Storage Vessels. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2010, 35(15): 8191-8198
[8]. Haiyan Bie, Xiang Li, Yanlei Liu, Ping Xu. Fatigue Life Evaluation of High Pressure Hydrogen Storage Vessel. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2010, 35(7): 2633-2636
[9]. Jinyang Zheng, Kesheng Ou, Haiyan Bie, Ping Xu, Yongzhi Zhao, Xianxin Liu,Yuntang He. Heat transfer analysis of high-pressure hydrogen storagetanks subjected to localized fire. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2012, 37(17): 13125-13131
[10]. Jinyang Zheng, Haiyan Bie, Honggang Chen, Ping Xu, Yanlei Liu. Experimental and simulation study on bonfire test of high-pressure hydrogen storage vessels. Acta Energiae Solaris Sinica, 2009, 30(7): 1000-1006
[11]. Haiyan Bie, Ping Xu, Jinyang Zheng, Fangming Kai, Pengfei Liu, Yanlei Liu, Honggang Chen. Influence of Stress Ratio on the Reliability of Al/carbon-Fiber Composite Hydrogen Tanks. Proceedings of the ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference, 2008, Vol 1, 503-508
[12]. Jinyang Zheng, Haiyan Bie, Ping Xu, Pengfei Liu, Honggang Chen, Dryver Huston. Investigation on the standards for fiber fully-wrapped composite tanks for on-board storage of high pressure hydrogen. Pressure Vessel Technology, 2007, 24(11): 48-56
5.3.1 Desalination of seawater(或Seawater utilization,或与5.2.2、5.2.1合并)
5.3.2 Removal of sulfur from fuel, flue gas and seawater
5.3.3 Process system engineering
5.3.4 ......