Dr. Prof. Junjie Bian

College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
Ocean University of China
238 Songling Road, Qingdao, 266100 P R China
Telephone: +86-532-66782502 Mobile: +86-13708959744
E-mail: junjiebian@ouc.edu.cn
Personal homepage: http://web1.ouc.edu.cn/cce/36/91/c4232a13969/page.psp
Education and Professional Background
1993-1997 Diploma in Chemical Engineering, Dalian University of Technology, China
1998-2003 PhD in Industrial Catalysis, Dalian University of Technology, China
2003-2005 Lecture, Department of Industrial Catalysis, Tianjin University, China
2005-2007 Postdoc, Chemical and Materials Engineering, University of Alberta, Canada
2008-2012 Assistant Professor Ocean University of China
2012-2018 Associate Professor, Ocean University of China
2018-2019 Visiting scholar, Chemical, Biological and Materials Engineering, Universityof Oklahoma,USA
2018-Present Professor, Ocean University of China
Research Topics:
1.Energy Catalytic conversion: Studies on the performance of micro- and mesoporous materials as heterogeneous catalysts in energy conversion field (catalytic hydrothermal liquefaction of algae and upgrading of bio-oil, and catalytic upgrading of unconventionalfossil fuel (oilsands derived bitumen and/or shale oil).Structured Catalysts forsustainable energy development.
2.EnvironmentalCatalytic Application: Seawater Flue Gas Desulfurization, catalytic oxidation of SO2 and NO in flue gas. Preparation and characterization of microporous molecular sieves and mesoporous materials with tunable pore structure.Regulating of the acidic and/orredox properties by controllable active sites introduction, and study onin situ FT-IR test reactions.
Research Funding:
1、National Natural and Science Fund 21376230 “Designand fabrication of zeolite-based magnetic microstructured catalysts and themechanism study on their application for microalgae hydrothermal liquefaction” PI: Bian Junjie2014.1-2017.12 Total RMB 800,000
2、National Natural and Science Fund 20906085 “Preparationof structured catalytic packings for seawater flue gas desulfurization andcatalytic desulfurization mechanism study” PI: Bian Junjie2010.1-2012.12 Total RMB 190,000
3、CNPC Science and Technology MajorProject “Key technology and application study of Canadian olisands visbreakingand upgrading” PI: Bian Junjie 2012.12-2015.12 Total RMB 750,000
4、Sinopec State Energy Center for Shale Oil Research and DevelopmentProject“Low and medium shale oil in-situ upgrading catalysts and catalytic mechanism study”PI: Bian Junjie2017.11-2020.10 Total RMB 260,000
5、ProvinceKey research and development plan project“Marine vessels flue gas desulfurization and denitrification integrated technology” PI: Bian Junjie2018.1-2019.12 Total RMB 150,000
6、CNOOCresearch and development plan project “Feasibility of offshore heavy oil catalytic upgrading under low temperature” PI: Bian Junjie2018.1-2019.12
7、National Science and technology support program-sub projectKey technologies and industrialization demonstration of microalgae for reducing flue gas, carbon dioxide and refining biodiesel 2011BAD14B04 PI: Zhu Zhenqi 2011.01-2013.12 Research personnel
8、National 863 Hi-tech Project-sub projectSeawater FGD technology and demonstration of large coal-fired power station boiler 2007AA061800,2007.01-2012.03 Research personnel
Recent selected publications:
[1] Bian J, Zhang Q, Zhang P, Feng L, Li C. Supported Fe2O3 nanoparticles for catalytic upgrading of microalgae hydrothermal liquefaction derived bio-oil. Catalysis Today 2017;293:159-66.
[2] Li J, Fang X, Bian J, Guo Y, Li C. Microalgae hydrothermal liquefaction and derived biocrude upgrading with modified SBA-15 catalysts. Bioresource Technology 2018;266:541-7.
[3]Bian J, Wang Y, Zhang Q, Fang X, Feng L, Li C. Fatty acid decarboxylation reaction kinetics and pathway of co-conversion with amino acid on supported iron oxide catalysts. RSC Adv 2017;7(75):47279-87.
[4] B Bian J, Zhang Q, Min X, Zhang S, Feng L, Li C. Modified clinoptilolite catalysts for seawater flue gas desulfurization application: Preparation, characterization and kinetic evaluation. Process Safety and Environmental Protection 2016;101:117-23.
[5] Bian J, Zhang S, Zhang J, Min X, Li C. Supported manganese dioxide catalyst for seawater flue gas desulfurization application. Chemical Engineering Journal 2012;189-190:57-61.
[6] Preparation method of a compositecatalyst for microalgae hydrothermal liquefaction CN patent 201310673342.5 First Inventor
Rewards and Honors:
National EnergyScience and Technology Progress Award2013 Second Prize
Outstanding Undergraduate ThesisInstructor of Ocean University of China 2016
Excellent teachers Award of Ocean University of China 2012