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The KeyLaboratory of Marine Chemistry Theory and Technology (Ocean University of China),Ministry of Education (MCTL) was constructed since 2005 and founded formally inMay, 2009. MCTL is currently an advanced research institution carrying outmarine chemistry and technology research at the national level.
Based on thetarget of achieving the international advanced research level, MCTL mainlyfocuses on marine chemistry theory, engineering development and utilizationwith 4 research scopes: Biogeochemical process and climatic effect of biogenicactive gases, organic biogeochemistry processes and responses to the evolutionof ecological environment, seawater multipurpose utilization andenvironmental-friendly marine functional materials and protection technology.
MCTL has 61staff including 1 Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering,2 Cheung Kong chair professors, 2 winners of National Foundation forDistinguished Young Scholars, 1 Taishan Scholars, 8 New Century ExcellentTalents.