MarinePhysical Chemistry Laboratory, Ocean University of China, is the only one ofthird-degree subject professional laboratory of marine chemistry in China. As a keylaboratory under strengthening construction during “Ten–Five” and “Twelve-Five”for colleges and universities, this laboratory was approved to be theProvincial Key Laboratory by Education Department of Shandong Province in 1993,and passed the examination in 1999. It is one base of national basic scientificresearch and teaching training in marine chemistry, as well as the mainsupporting unit for Doctor and Post Doctor Station of Marine Chemistry andMarine Chemistry Engineering and Technology.
Inthe origin, Professor Zhang Zhengbin, Chen Guohua and Wang Qingzhang were theacademic leaders in three research areas: Marine Physical Chemistry andInterfacial Chemistry, Marine Electrochemistry and Colloid and InterfaceChemistry, Marine Corrosion and Protection. During the “Ten–Five”, with thedevelopment of marine chemistry, especially with the subject crossing and infiltrationamong biology, ecology and environmental science, Marine Physical Chemistryproduced new research areas and new academic leaders. For example, Prof. Yang Guipengobtained important achievements in marine organic matter sStudy (represented bysulfur cycle) and organic photochemistry, Prof. Wang Xiulin in marine environmentalpollution ecological chemistry, Prof. Yu Zhigang in environmental ecological chemistry,and Prof. Wang Jiangtao in dissolved organic carbon and colloid organic matter,etc. Now this laboratory has formed 3 main research areas led by Prof. YangGuipeng, Liu Sumei and Wang Jiangtao: Marine Interfacial Chemistry, MarineBiogeochemistry and Marine Pollution Ecological Chemistry.
MarinePhysical Chemistry Laboratory has undertaken a large quantity of research andteaching tasks in the past 20 years. Since then, it has trained more than 100PhD candidates and nearly 1000 Master candidates, making a large contributionto training marine chemistry experts. The members has published manyhigh-quality papers and academic monographs, and won many awards, including the2nd Prize of Ministry of Education in Colleges and universities Scienceand Technology Achievement Award for “Marine Interfacial Chemistry” (Prof.Zhang Zhengbin, 2000), and the 1st Natural Science Prize of Outstandingachievements in scientific research of Higher Education Award for “MarineOrganic Matter Biogeochemistry” (Prof. Yang Guipeng, 2009).
At present, this laboratoryundertakes more than 50 programs/projects, including National Major Projectsand International Co-operation Projects in NSFC and many Provincial projects.There are 14 professors, 17 associate professors and 9 lecturers in thelaboratory. A strong team with a high international reputation and reasonableage, title and academic structures has been formed, including 1 Changjiang Scholar,2 Winners of National Outstanding Youth Fund and 1 Taishan Scholar.