EngineeringCenter of Seawater MultipurposeUtilization, directed by Congjie Gao, academician of the ChineseAcademyof Engineering, is based on the platform of Ocean University of China SeawaterResources Multipurpose Utilization Laboratory. It is mainly engaged in thedevelopment and industrialization research of seawater desalination and watertreatment, utilization of seawater chemistry resources and marine finechemicals. It has successively launched a series of cooperation with ShengliOil Field, China Sinoma Group, Shandong Zhaojin Motian LLC, Datang HuangdaoPower Plant and Qingdao Ocean Chemical Engineering Factory in fields includingoil reinjection water treatment, seawater desalination, sewage treatment, etc.It has gained the support of the National “11thFive-Year” and “12thFive-Year” Key Technologies R&D Program, National High-tech R&D Program(863 Program), National Marine Public Welfare Projects and Shandong Science andTechnology Key Projects Fund. At present, research funding of ongoing projectsis nearly 8,000,000 yuan. 
&D on new components and device,pretreatment and post-treatment for seawater desalination; process integrationand optimizing of sea water desalination and development of energy recoverydevice; environmental impact assessment ( EIA) of brine’s composition,salinity, heat pollution etc. and development of countermeasures; best available techniques (BAT).
2)Seawaterdirect utilization
Research on new corrosion inhibitors,anti-scaling dispersant and killing agent with high efficient in seawater for circulating cooling and direct use;experimental study on electrical power generation with sea watersalinity-gradient; application of seawater in theoretical research of printingand dyeing industry; direct use of seawater power and technology ofair-condition; configuration optimization of water distribution network;technology of NF softened seawater injection for oil production and so on .

3)Seawater multipurpose utilization of chemical resources
Multipurpose use and deep processing ofextracting potassium, bromine, magnesium and iodine from seawater (brine); newtechnology of extracting strategic resources with high added value such asuranium, lithium, rubidium, cesium, germanium from seawater; exploration ofintegrated techniques of seawater comprehensive utilization; Seawaterdesalination by-product resources concentratedseawater utilization research.
4)Membrane Science and Water Treatment Technology
Design, synthesis, modification,characterization of membrane materials with high-performance, such as highhydrophily and stain pollution resistance; molecular structure designof membrane materials, object-oriented designof membrane structure, electrical charge mechanism on membrane; oilfieldwastewater treatment with integratedmembrane,aminoacidseparationand treatment of its industrial wastewater. municipal wastewater treatment with MBR; design of membrane application process, simulation and modeling of membrane separation processesandso on; striving to expand the membrane separation technology in the field ofchemical industry, environmental protection, pharmacy, food, etc.
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