
linglu, ph.d, associate professor drling lu received her phd from department of pharmacology, secondmilitary medical university in 2006. she was visiting scholar atuniversity of michigan in 2011-2012.current research focuses on thehypoxia signaling transduction pathway in zebrafish development andtumor
Teaching humananatomy and physiology
Research Area of Interest 1.molecular response to hypoxia stress 2.the role of hypoxia signaling pathway in zebrafish development 3.screening the small molecular compounds using hre transgeniczebrafish
publications:jiaos, renh, liy, zhouj, duanc,lul*.differential regulation of igf-i and igf-ii gene expression inskeletal muscle cells. molcell biochem. 2013 jan; 373(1-2):107-13. doi:10.1007/s11010-012-1479-4. epub 2012 oct 10lul, yangpy, rui yc, zhang j, kang h.comparative proteome analysis of rat brain and coronarymicrovascular endothelial cells. physiol res. 2007; 56(2):159-68 zhangp, lul,yao q, li y, zhou j, liu y, duan c. molecular, functional, and geneexpression analysis of zebrafish hypoxia-inducibleactor-3α.am j physiol regul integr comp physiol. 2012;303(11):r1165-74zhongy, lul,zhou j, li y, liu y, clemmons dr, duanc.igfbinding protein 3 exerts its ligand-independent action byantagonizing bmp in zebrafish embryos. jcell sci. 2011;124(pt 11):1925-35jiaos, dai w, lul,liu y, zhou j, li y, korzh v, duanc.theconserved clusterin gene is expressed in the developing choroidplexus under the regulation of notch but not igf signaling inzebrafish. endocrinology.2011;152(5):1860-71lius, yang p, kang h, lul, zhangy, pan j, rui yc. ndrg2 induced by oxidized ldl in macrophagesantagonizes growth factor productions via selectively inhibiting erkactivation.biochimbiophys acta.2010;1801(2):106-13 lim, li y, lul, wangx, gong q, duan c. structural, gene expression, and functionalanalysis of the fugu (takifugu rubripes) insulin-like growth factorbinding protein-4 gene. am j physiol regul integr comp physiol.2009mar;296(3):r558-66 wangx, lu l,li y, li m, chen c, feng q, zhang c, duan c. molecular andfunctional characterization of two distinct igf binding protein-6genes in zebrafish. am j physiol regul integr comp physiol.2009 may;296(5):r1348-57 kameih, lu l,jiao s, li y, gyrup c, laursen ls, oxvig c, zhou j, duan c.duplication and diversification of the hypoxia-inducible igfbp-1gene in zebrafish. plos one.2008 aug 28;3(8):e3091
contact tel:86-532-82032957 e-mail:linglu@ouc.edu.cn