Guangli Yu, PhD, Professor
Laboratory of Glycoscience and Glycotechnology
School of Medicine and Pharmacy, Ocean University of China (OUC)
No.5, Yushan Rd., Qingdao 266003
P. R. China
Phone: 86-532-82031609 (Office); Fax: 86-532-82033054
E-mail:glyu@ouc.edu.cn or glyu@hotmail.com
1988: B.Sc. Marine Chemistry, OUC
1996: M.Sc. Glycochemistry, OUC
2004: Ph.D.Carbohydrate-based pharmaceutics, Preparation and structure-activity relationship study of heparin and marine-heparinoid oligosaccharides (Advisors: Guan Huashi & Robert J Linhardt)
Working background
1988 – 1996: Lecture, Institute of Marine Food and Drugs, OUC
1997- 1999 : Associate Professor, Associate Dean, OUC
1999-2000 : Visiting Associate Prof., University of Iowa, College of Pharmacy
USA(Supervisor: Robert J Linhardt, now in RPI, New York)
2002 -2007:Professor of Ocean University of China
2007.1-3: Visiting Professor of Université de Bretagne Occidentale, France
2008.7-8: Visiting Professor of Imperial college London, UK
2011.5-: Professor, Associate director of Key Laboratory of Marine Drugs, Ministry of Education of China
2012.3-: The specialist State High-Tech R&D Program (863)
2012.5-: Professor, Ececutive Dean, School of Medicine and Pharmacy,OUC
1989-1990: Organic Chemistry, for undergraduate students.
1992-1998: Food Inspection & Analysis, for undergraduate students.
1997-2002: Modern Instruments Analysis Techniques, for graduate students.
2002-2013: Sturcture and Function of Glycoconjugates, for master degree students.
2008-2013: Glycochemistry and Glycobiology, for Ph.D students.
2006-2013: Introduction to Carbohydrate-based drugs, for undergraduate students.
Research Interests:
1.Separation, purification and structural studies of marine poly-/oligosaccharides
2.Fine structural studies of Glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) and N,O-glycans
3.Study of Marine Glycoarry and interaction of glycans with functional proteins
4.Research and development of Carbobydrate-based pharmaceutics
Excellent Teaching award of Ocean University of Qingdao,2000
Science and Technology Progress Award of Shandong Province, 2002
Science and Technology Progress Award of Qingdao, 2003
Experimental Teaching Award of Shandong Province, 2004
Marine Innovation Award of National Ocean Bureau of China, 2007
Invention Award of Ministry of Education of China, 2007
The national award for technological invention, 2009
Special award from the President of Ocean University of China, 2010
Enjoy special government allowances of the State Council of China, 2010
Qingdao top-notch personnel, 2012
Shandong Province middle-aged expert with outstanding contribution, 2012
Research Projects:
1.Development Technology of High value Marine oligosaccharides,National Key Technology R&D Program of the Ministry of Science and Technology(No.2013BAB01B02),2013-2016,11,270,000¥,PI.
2.Marine functional oligosaccharides and their medicinal development technologies,Special Fund for Marine Scientific Research in the Public Interest of China(No.201005024),2010-2015,11,950,000¥,PI.
3.Construction of bio-glycochip and study of marine carbohydrate structure and function,International Scienceand Technology Collaboration Program of China (No. 2007DFA30980),2008-2010,2,250,000¥,PI.
4.Preclinical study of anti-type 2 diabetes marine oligosaccharide drug HS203, National High-Tech R&D Program (863 Program of China (2007AA09Z445),2007-2010, 3,920,000¥, PI.
5.Research and Development of Innovative Marine Drugs, Program for Changjiang Scholars and Innovative Research Team in University (IRT0944),2010-2012,3,000,000¥, PI.
6.Interaction of marine heparinoids oligosaccharides to CTGF of the target molecule of diabetesrenal fibrosis,Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 31070724),340,000¥,2011-2013,PI.
7.Interaction of marine acidic oligosaccharidesto amylin,Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 30870506),320,000¥,2009-2011,Co-PI.
8.Structure analysis of specific glycans located on tumor membrane proteins, This study was supported in part by a National Basic Researchprogram (973) of China (2003CB716401),2003-2008,4,900,000¥, Co-PI.
Selected Publications:
1. T. Hu, C. Li, X. Zhao, G. Li, G. Yu, H. Guan,Preparation and characterization of guluronic acid oligosaccharides degraded by a rapid microwave irradiation method,Carbohy Res, 2013,373:53-58
2. C. Li, Y. Sun, J. Zhang, Z. Zhao, G. Yu, H. Guan,Synthesis of 6’-acylamido-6’-deoxy-α-D-galactoglycerolipids,Carbohy Res, 2013, 376:15-23
3. Y. Hu, G. Yu*, X. Zhao, Y. Wang, X. Sun, G. Jiao, X. Zhao, W. Chai,Structural Characterization of Natural Ideal 6-O-sulfated Agarose from Red Alga Gloiopeltis furcata,Carbohy Poly, 2012, 89:883-889 (SCI, 3.463)
4. P. Wang, X. Zhao, Y. Lv, M. Li, X. Liu, G. Li, G. Yu*, Structural and compositional characteristics of hybrid carrageenans from red algae Chondracanthus chamissoi, Carbohy Poly, 2012, 89: 914-919 (SCI, 3.463)
5. C. Hao, J. Hao, W. Wang, Z. Han, G. Li, L. Zhang, X. Zhao, G. Yu*,Insulin Sensitizing Effects of Oligomannuronate-Chromium (III) Complexes in C2C12 Skeletal Muscle Cells,Plos ONE, 2011, 6(9): e24598
6. Y. Wang, G. Yu*,Z. Han, B. Yang,Y. Hu, X. Zhao, J. Wu, Y. Lv, W. Chai,Specificities of Ricinus communis agglutinin 120 interaction with sulfated galactose, FEBS Lett, 2011, 585: 3927-3934
7. F.H. Damron, M.R. Davis, T.R. Withers, R.K. Ernst, J.B. Goldberg, G. Yu, H.Yu,Vanadate and triclosan synergistically induce alginate production by Pseudomonas aeruginosa strain PAO1,Mol Microbiology, 2011, 81(2):554-570
8. T. Yu, C. Guo, J. Wang, P. Hao, S. Sui, X. Chen, R. Zhang, P. Wang, G. Yu, L. Zhang, Y. Dai, N. Li,Comprehensive Characterization of the Site-Specific N-Glycosylation of Wild-Type and Recombinant Human Lactoferrin Expressed in Milk of Transgenic Cloned Cattle,Glycobiology,2011,21(2):206-224
9. G. Jiao, G. Yu*, J. Zhang and H. Stephen Ewart,Chemical Structures and Bioactivities of Sulfated Polysaccharides from Marine Algae, Mar. Drugs,2011, 9(2), 196-223
10. B. Yang, G. Yu*, X. Zhao,W. Ren, G. Jiao, L. Fang, Y. Wang, G. Du, C. Tiller, G. Girouard, Colin J. Barrow, H. StephenEwart, and Junzeng Zhang,Structural Characterization and Bioactivities of HybridCarrageenan-like Sulfated Galactan from Red AlgaFurcellaria lumbricalis,Food Chem,2011,124(1):50-57
11. G. Yu, Y. Zhang, Z. Zhang,L. Song, P. Wang, W. Chai, The Effect and Limitation of Excess Ammonium on the Release of O-Glycansin Reducing Forms from Glycoproteins under Mild Alkaline Conditionsfor Glycomic and Functional Analysis, Anal Chem. 2010,82: 9534-9542
12. W. Zhang,M. Liu, P. E.Hansen,G. Yu,B. Yang, X. Zhao,Sequence and Structure Analysis of κ-Carrageenan-derivedOligosaccharides by 2D NMR,J Phycology, 2010,46:831-838
13. B. Yang, G. Yu*, X. Zhao, G. Jiao, S.i Ren,W. Chai, Mechanism of mild acid hydrolysis of galactan polysaccharides with highly ordered disaccharide repeats leading to a complete series of exclusively odd-numbered oligosaccharides, FEBS J,2009,276:2125-2137
14. S. Chen, J. Xu, C. Xue, P. Dong, W. Sheng, G. Yu, W. Chai, Sequence Determination of a Non-Sulfated Glycosaminoglycan-Like Polysaccharide from Melanin-Free Ink of the Squid Ommastrephes bartrami by Negative-Ion Electrospray Tandem Mass spectrometryand NMR Spectroscopy, Glycoconj J, 2008, 25(5):481-492
15. H. Lv, G.i Yu*, Linlin Sun, Zheng Zhang, Xia Zhao, Wengang Chai, Elevated Level of Glycosaminoglycans and Altered Sulfation Pattern of Chondroitin Sulfate Are Associated with Differentiation Status and Histological Type of Human Primary Hepatic Carcinoma, Oncology, 2007, 72:347-356
16. C. Lin, H. Guan, H. Li, G. Yu*, C. Gu, G.. Li,The influence of molecular mass of sulfated propelene glycol ester of low-molecular-weight alginate on anticoagulant activities, Eur Poly J, 2007, 43: 3009-3015
17. X Zhao, G. Yu, H. Guan, N. Yue, et al., Preparation of low-molecular-weight polyguluronate sulfate and its anticoagulant and anti-inflammatory activities, Carbohydr Polym, 2007,69:272-279
18. G. Yu, X. Zhao, B. Yang, S. Ren, H. Guan, Y. Zhang, A.M. Lawson, W. Chai. Sequence Determination of Sulfated Carrageenan-Derived Oligosaccharides by High-Sensitivity Negative-Ion Electrospray Tandem Mass Spectrometry.Anal Chem, 2006, 78, 8499-8505
19. Z. Zhang, G. Yu*, X. Zhao,H. Liu, H.i Guan, A.M. Lawson, W. Chai, Sequence analysis of alginate-derived oligosaccharides by negative-ion electrospray tandem mass spectrometry, J Am Soc Mass Spec 2006, 17,621-630
20. G. Yu, H. Guan, A.S. Ioanoviciu, S.A. Sikkander, C. Thanawiroon, J. K. Tobacman,T. Toida, R J. Linhardt. Structural Studies on k-Carrageenan Derived Oligosaccharides. Carbohydr. Res. 2002, 337,433.
21. G. Yu, Nur Sibel Gunay, Robert J. Linhardt, Toshihiko Toida, Jawed Fareed et al. Preparation and anticoagulant activity of the phosphosulfomannan PI88. Eur J Med Chem, 2002, 37(10): 783-791
22. G. Yu, laurie Lebrun, Nue Sibel Gunny, R. J. Linhardt. Heparinase I acts on a synthesis heparin-derived corresponding to the antithrombin III binding site. Thromb Res, 2000, 100:549-556.
23. Z. Zhang , G. Yu* , H. Guan, X. Zhao, Y. Du et al, Preparation and structure elucidation of alginate oligosaccharides degraded by alginate lyase from Vibro Sp 510.CarbohyRes, 2004, 339(8),1475-1481
24. Y. Du, G. Gu, Y. Hua, G. Wei, X. Ye, G. Yu, Synthesis and antitumor activities of glucan derivatives. Tetrahedron, 2004,60(30):6345-6351
25. Y. Hua, Y. Du, G. Yu, S. Chu.Synthesis of a sulfated fucopyranosyl pentasaccharide from Ascophyllum nodosum. Carbohy Res, 2004, 339 (12): 2083-2090.