Marine biological resources and lead compounds discovery


Focusing on major and difficult diseases such as cancer and infectious diseases, centering on typical and special marine environments such as coral reefs, deep seas and polar regions in the South China Sea, screening for low-level marine invertebrates and microorganisms that rely on chemical defense mechanisms for discovery of the marine medicinal biological resources with antibacterial and other medicinal development potentials; using the efficient and rapid discovery technology of marine natural products, tracking and separating and identifying the bioactive compounds of novel structures; exploring the structure-activity relationship through structural modification, and discovering and optimizing the drug lead compounds. For novel polyketones and anthraquinone bioactive molecules, combined biosynthesis, metabolic engineering, synthetic biology and other strategies are applied for molecular genetic transformation of biosynthetic pathways, activation of silent genes of marine microorganisms, mining of their metabolic potential, to develop new medicinal products resources. For the bioactive marine natural products with drug development value, explore its chemical and ecological effects, explain its mechanism of action, and reveal its molecular mechanism.
