Hu Chen
Associate Professor
Email: chenhu@ouc.edu.cn
Address : No.238 Songling Road, Laoshan District, Qingdao, Shandong, China
2011.9- 2017.6, Ph.D., Beihang University
2007.9- 2011.6,B.S., Shandong University of Science and Technology
Work Experience:
2019.8 - present, Associate Professor, School of Mathematical Sciences, Ocean University of China, China
2017.8 - 2019.8, Postdoctoral Fellow, Beijing Computational Science Research Center (CSRC)
Research Interests:
Numerical Partial Differential Equations;
Numerical Analysis
Research Supported by:
1.OUC Scientific Research Starting Fund of Introduced Talent,2019.9-2021.12;
2.National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2019.1 - 2021.12;
3.China Postdoctoral Science Foundation, Project Completed.
1. Hu Chen, Martin Stynes, Blow-up of error estimates in time-fractional initial-boundary value problems, IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis,(2020) (in press).
2. Hu Chen, Martin Stynes, A discrete comparison principle for the time-fractional diffusion equation, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 80 (2020) 917-922.
3. Hu Chen, Finbarr Holland, Martin Stynes, An analysis of the Grünwald–Letnikov scheme forinitial-value problems with weakly singular solutions, Applied Numerical Mathematics, 139 (2019) 52-61.
4. Hu Chen, Martin Stynes,Error analysis of a second-order method on fitted meshes for a time-fractional diffusion problem, Journal of Scientific Computing, 79(1)(2019) 624-647.
5. Hu Chen, Xiaohan Hu, Jincheng Ren, Tao Sun, Yifa Tang,L1 scheme on graded mesh for the linearized time fractional KdV equation with initial singularity, InternationalJournal of Modeling, Simulation, and Scientific Computing, 10(2019) 1941006
6. Hu Chen, Martin Stynes,A high order method on graded meshes for a time-fractional diffusion problem. In: Finite Difference Methods: Theory and Applications. Proceedings FDM:T&A 2018. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 11386, pp. 15–27. Springer, Cham.
7. Hu Chen, Tao Sun,A Petrov–Galerkin spectral method for the linearized time fractional KdV equation, International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 95 (2018) 1292-1307.
8. Hu Chen, Shujuan Lü, Wenping Chen, A unified numerical scheme for the multi-termtime fractional diffusion and diffusion-wave equations with variable coeffiecients,Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 330 (2018) 380-397.
9. Hu Chen, Shujuan Lü, Wenping Chen,A fully discrete spectral method for the nonlinear time fractional Klein-Gordon equation, Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics, 21 (2017) 231-251.
10. Hu Chen, Shujuan Lü, Wenping Chen, Finite difference/spectral approximations for the distributed order time fractional reaction–diffusion equation on an unbounded domain, Journal of Computational Physics, 315 (2016) 84-97.
11. Hu Chen, Shujuan Lü, Wenping Chen, Spectral and pseudospectral approximations for the time fractional diffusion equation on an unbounded domain, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 304 (2016) 43-56.
12. Hu Chen, Shujuan Lü, Wenping Chen, Spectral methods for the time fractional diffusion–wave equation in a semi-infinite channel, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 71 (2016) 1818-1830.