Seminar on Applied Mathematics: First Session of the Fifth Graduate Academic Subforum of the School of Mathematical Sciences
Release time: 2017-04-24     Viewed:

From August 17 to August 19, 2015, the Seminar on Applied Mathematics was held at the Academic Exchange Center of Ocean University of China. Six speakers were Hu Guanghui, associate professor of Macau University, Mi Sun Min, Jose Castillo, Jung-il Choi from Korea, Rafael Borges from Brazil and Dr. Peng Li from Beijing University of Technology. The seminar was chaired by Professor Piao Daxiong and Professor Zeng Weixin.


On behalf of the faculty of mathematical sciences, Prof. Piao extended a warm welcome to all the professors at the seminar. Professor Hu Guanghui of the University of Macau gave a lecture on the development of using finite element method to solve Euler equation. The theoretical explanation was vivid and detailed, and the calculation results were fascinating, which enabled people present to have a deeper understanding of the numerical solution of Euler equation. Rafael Borges is one of the founders of WENO_Z format. Based on his in-depth explanation of WENO_Z format, he presented the latest research results to the audience: WENO_Z+ format. Keep us informed of the latest developments in this direction. Dr. Li Peng explained the hybrid scheme for complex fluids, which can capture the fluid motion structure accurately and save computing time. At the same time, Dr. Li Peng showed the calculation results of the three-dimensional example, which aroused the great interest of all the teachers and students present.


During the seminar, the graduate students had in-depth discussions with the keynote speakers and gained a deeper understanding of their research field. The seminar strengthened academic exchanges and created a good academic atmosphere.