Name: Jinming Fang
Current position: Professor
Contact Information:
School of Mathematical Sciences,
Ocean University of China,
238 Songling Road,
Qingdao, China, 266100
Office Phone: (86)0532-66787153
M. Sc. in Topology,July 1985-July 1987
Department of Mathematics, Sichuan University, P. R. China,
B. Sc. in Mathematics ,July 1978-July 1982
Department of Mathematics, Shenyang Normal University, P. R. China
Professional Experience:
Sep. 1982.9-July 1985: in Kaiyuan Teacher School (Liaoning Province) as Teacher.
1987—present: in Department of Mathematics at Ocean University of China.
Current position: Professor
Teaching Courses: Calculus, Linear Algebra, Topology, The theory of Locale Residuated lattices, Fuzzy Sets, Topological Constructs, Lattice-valued topology, Lattice-valued Convergences.
Research Interests:
Topology on lattices:
Fuzzy topology
Fuzzy orders and topology
Lattice-valued convergences,
Lattice-valued Quasi-uniform convergences
1. National Natural Science Foundation of China (No111471297),
Quantale-valued convergence based on quantaloid-enriched category.
2. Natural Science Foundation of Shandong province (No:Q99A02), The
research of topology on completely distributive lattices. 1999,1-2001.12.
Selected Publications(limited to 1996-2018):
1. Jinming Fang, Qingling Zhang, Qian Yu, A new representation theorem
of L-subsets, Fuzzy Sets and Systems 227(2018),1–11
2. Jinming Fang, Yueli Yue, T-diagonal conditions and Continuous
extension theorem, Fuzzy Sets and Systems 321(2017),73–89
3. Qian Yu, Jinming Fang, The Category of T-convergence spaces and its
Cartesian-closedness, Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems Vol. 14, No. 3,
(2017) , 121-138
4. Jinming Fang, Youyan Li and Wenyi Chen, On the system of level-
elements induced by an L-subsets, Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems,
Vol. 14, No. 2 (2017) , 93-105
5 . Jinming Fang, Kai Wang Qinghua Li, Note on stratified L-ordered
convergence structures, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 300(2016),147–151
6. Jinming Fang, Lattice-valuedpreuniformconvergencespaces, Fuzzy
Sets and Systems 251 (2014) , 52–70
7. Jinming Fang,Stratified L-ordered quasiuniformlimit spaces,Fuzzy Sets
and Systems 227(2013),51–73
8.JinmingFang,Yuanmei Guo, Quasi-coincident neighborhood structure of
relative I-fuzzy topology and its applications, Fuzzy Sets and Systems,
190(2012)., 105–117,
9.Jinming Fang Lattice-valued semi-uniform convergencespaces,Fuzzy
Sets and Systems, 195(2012)., 33–57
10.Jinming Fang, L-fuzzy Q-convergence structures, Fuzzy Sets and
Systems, 182 (2011)53–65
11. Jinming Fang, Stratified L-ordered convergence structures, Fuzzy Sets and
Systems, 161(2010) : 2130–2149
12.Jinming Fang, Relationships between L-ordered convergence structures and
strong L-topologies, Fuzzy Sets and Systems,161(2010),: 2923–2944
13.Jinming Fang, Yue Yueli, L-fuzzy closure systems, Fuzzy Sets and
Systems, 161(2010): 1242–1252
14.Jinming Fang, QiuYue, Fuzzy orders and fuzzifying topologies,
International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 48(2008): 98—109
16.Jinming Fang, Chen Piwei, One-to-one correspondence between
fuzzifying topologies and fuzzy preorders, Fuzzy Sets and Systems,
158(2007),: 1814—1822
17.Jinming Fang, I-fuzzy Alexandrov topologies and specialization orders,
Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 158(2007): 2359-2374
18.Jinming Fang, Sums of LF-topological spaces, Fuzzy Sets and
Systems, 157(2006) : 739—756.
19.Jinming FANG, Categories isomorphic to L-FTOP, Fuzzy Sets and
Systems, 157((2006) : 820—831
20.Yue Yueli, Jinming Fang, Extension of Shi’s quasi-uniformities in a
Kubiak—Sostak sense, Fuzzy Sets and Systems,
157(2006) 1956—1969
21.Yue Yueli , Jinming Fang, On separation axioms in I-fuzzy topological
spaces ,Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 157(2006), 780-793
22.] Jinming Fang, Yueli YUE, Base and Subbase in I-fuzzy Topological
Spaces, Journal of Mathematical Research and Exposition, , 2006,
26(1): 89—95
23.Jinming Fang, Categories isomorphic to L-FTOP, Fuzzy Sets and
Systems, 157(2006) 820—831
24.Jinming Fang, Sums of L-fuzzy topological spaces, Fuzzy Sets and
Systems, 157(2006) 739—756
25.Qinghua Li, Jinming Fang, Countability axioms in I-fuzzy topological
spaces, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, , 157(2006) 767-779
26.Yue Yueli, Jinming Fang, Categories isomorphic to the Kubiak–?ostak
extension of TML, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 157(2006), 832—842
27.Jinming Fang, Yue Yueli, Li Qinghua, L-Ftop as reflective and
coreflective full subcategory,292—294, in: Liu Yingming etc., Fuzzy
Logic, Soft Computing and Computational Intelligence, Eds., 11th
International Fuzzy Systems Association World Congress, Tsinghua
Uni. Press and Springer, July 28-31, 2005, Beijing, China
28.Yue Yueli, Jinming Fang, Generated I-fuzzy topological spaces, Fuzzy
Sets and Systems, 154(2005) 103—117
29.Jinming Fang , Feng Yan, Urysohnness on Completely Distributive
Lattice, Advance in Mathematics, 2003:17(2) 24—28.
30.Jinming Fang, I-FTOP is isomorphic to I-FQN and I-AITOP, Fuzzy Sets
and Systems, 147(2004)317
31.Jinming Fang , K. Fan’s theorem in fuzzifying topology, Information
Science,162(2004) 139—146
32.Jinming Fang , Urysohn closedness on completely distributive lattices,
Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 144(2004) 367—381
33.Jinming Fang, L-Nice Urysohnness on Completely Distributive
Lattices, Advances in Mathematics(CHINA), Vol 33(6), 2004, 712—718
34 Jinming Fang, H(\lambda)-completely Hausdorff axiom on L-topological
spaces, Fuzzy Sets and Systems,, 140(2003) 457—469.
35.Jinming Fang, Minimal regular L-fuzzy topological spaces, Chinese
Annals of Mathematica, (Series A), 2000, 21A(5): 585-590.
35.Jinming Fang, The characteristic of derived operators in induced
L-topological spaces, Chinese Science Bulletin, 42(1),1996, 1-2