Lin, Min
Release time: 2019-05-02     Viewed:

Date Prepared:    2019/4/30

Name:Min Lin

Office Address:School of Mathematical Science,   Ocean University of China, 238 Songling Road,   Qingdao, China, 266100





Fields of Study
(Thesis advisor for doctoral research degrees)





Inner Mongolia University for Nationalities,China




Inner Mongolia University,




Theoretical Physics(Advisor:Prof. TianLun Chen)

Nankai University,


Faculty Academic Appointments


Academic Title


Academic Institution



Mathematics Department

Ocean University of China


visiting scholar

Medical School BIDMC

Harvard University  


Associate professor  

Mathematics Department  

Ocean University of China

Honors and Prizes


Name of Honor/Prize

Awarding Organization

Achievement for which awarded

(if unclear from award title)


 AiHua Award

Ocean University of China



LiXiaoYong Award

Ocean University of China


Report of Funded and Unfunded Projects

Funding Information



Experimental study  on the deformation of western boundary current at a break


Participation (470,000 RMB)

The major goal of the study is to use experimental data to reconstruct the deformation of western boundary current at a break


Self-organized criticality in neural network



The major goal of the study is to model self-organized critical behavior of neural network by introducing the self-organized critical model


Numerical simulation on interval wave attractors of Luzon Strait

Foundation for outstanding young and middle-age scientists in Shandong Province,2011BSE29013

PI(60,000 RMB)

The major goal of the study is to use nonlinear dynamical methods to analyze the behavior of interval wave attractors of Luzon Strait.


Self-organized criticality in OFC earthquake model based on complex network

The fundamental Research Funds for the Central University,201113006

PI(40,000 RMB)

The major goal of the study is to use complex network techniques to analyze the self organized criticality of OFC earthquake model.


The relation between nonlinear degree and parameter space of Lorenz system

State key Laboratory of  data analysis and application, State Oceanic AdministrationLDAA-2011-02

PI(30,000 RMB)

The major goal of the study is to construct the relation between nonlinear degree and parameter space of Lorenz system.


The construction and application in marine life network model.

The fundamental Research Funds for the Central University,201362031

Participation (100,000 RMB)

The major goal of the study is to use complex network techniques to analyze the network structure and properties in marine life network model.


Multi-scale analysis of dynamic behavior of seismicity based on EMD

 State key Laboratory of  data analysis and application, State Oceanic AdministrationLDAA-2014-01 PI(20,000 RMB)

The major goal of the study is to analyze the multifracality and complexity of seismicity at different scale based on empirical mode decomposition..


2017-2020      Multi-scale nonlinear characteristics analysis and network structure evolution of seismicity

                        Natural Science Foundation of Shandong Province,ZR2017MD011

PI(140,000 RMB)

The major goal of the study is to apply the fractal theory and complex networks to earthquaketime series to investigate the nonlinear characteristics of seismicity and temporal evolution of earthquake network.

Report of Local Teaching and Training

Teaching of Students in Courses


Course Title


Type of student/audience

Level of Effort



Ocean University of China

 1st  year curricula-variable students               

   12-hr sessions per wk for 16 wks


Spring term  

  Case analysis of Applied Statistics

  1st year postgraduate students                                  

Ocean University of China

3-hr sessions per wk for 16 wks


Spring term

 R language and statistical analysis

3rd year curricula-variable students                         

Ocean University of China

2-hr sessions per wk for 16 wks

Report of Scholarship


  1.  Xingxing Fan, Min Lin, Multiscale multifractal detrended fluctuation analysis of earthquake magnitude series of Southern California. Physica A479(2017) pp:225-235.

  2. Min Lin, Xingxing Fan, Gang Wang, Gang Zhao, Network structure entropy and its dynamical evolution for recurrence networks from earthquake magnitude time series.European Physics of Journal B.89:5(2016) pp:1-7.

  3.  Gang Zhao,Shu-li Gong, Ying-bao Yang, Min Lin. Model and dynamic behavior of risk propagation in complex agricultural supply chain networks in China and their topological evolution. Journal of Internet Technology17:32016),pp483-493.

  4. Min Lin, Gang Zhao, Gang Wang, Recurrence quantification analysis for detecting dynamical changes in earthquake magnitude time series, International Journal of Modern Physics C,26(7)2015,pp:1550077.

  5.  Wang Gang, Zheng Quanan, Lin Min, Dai Dejun, Qiao Fangli,Three dimensional simulation of internal wave attractors in the Luzon Strait, Acta Oceanol.Sin 34(2015)pp:14-21.

  6.  Wang Gang, Lin Min, A comparison of the CMIP5 models on the historical simulation of the upper ocean heat content in the South China Sea, Acta Oceanol.Sin., 33(11)(2014)pp:1-10

  7.  Gang Wang, Shuang-Xi Yan, Min Lin, The response of ocean heat content to the total solar radiation of 11 years, Progress in meteorological science, 44(2014) pp:13-18.

  8. Min Lin, Shuang-Xi Yan, Gang Zhao, Gang Wang, Multifractal detrended fluctuation analysis of interevent time series in a modified OFC model. Communications in Theoretical Physics 59(2013) pp:1-6.

  9. Min Lin, Shuang-Xi Yan, Gang Zhao, Gang Wang, Correlations and multifractality in an earthquake model on assortative scale-free networs from mono-and multi-fractal analyses, International Journal of Modern Physics C,23(10):1250070,2012.

  10. Min Lin and Gang Wang, Complex behavior in an Integrate-and-fire neuron model based on assortative scale-free networks, Advances in Information Technology and Industry Application, LNEE 136: 457-464,2012.

  11. Min Lin, Gang Wang, Self-organized Criticality in an Earthquake ModelBased on Assortative Scale-Free Networks,International Journal of Modern Physics C,22(5):483-493,2011.

  12. Lin Min, Zhao Gang, and Chen Tian-Lun, Influence of selective Edge Removal and Refractory Period in a Self-organized Critical Neuron Model,Communication in Theoretical Physics ( Beijing), 52(2):351-355,2009.

  13. Lin Min, Wang Gang, and Chen Tian-Lun,Modified DM Models for Aging Networks Based on Neighborhood Connectivity,Communication in Theoretical Physics ( Beijing), 49(1):243-248,2008.

  14. Lin Min, Wang Gang, and Chen Tian-Lun,Self-organized Criticality in a Modified Evolution Model on Generalized Barabasi-Albert Scale-Free Networks,Communication in Theoretical Physics ( Beijing), 47(3):512-516,2007.

  15. Lin Min, Wang Gang ,Chen Tian-Lun, A modified earthquake model based on generalized Barabasi-Albert scale-free networks, Communication in Theoretical Physics ( Beijing), 46(6):1011-1016,2006.

  16. Lin Min, Wang Gang, Chen Tian-Lun, Self-organized criticality in a simple neuron model based on scale-free networks, Communication in Theoretical Physics ( Beijing), 46(2):1362-366,2006.

  17. Lin Min, Wang Gang, Chen Tian-Lun, Effects of different connectivity topologies in small world networks on EEG-like activities , Communication in Theoretical Physics ( Beijing), 45(2):373-378,2006.

  18. Min Lin, TianLun Chen, Self-organized criticality in a simple model of neurons based on small-world networks, Physical Review E, 71,016133, 2005.

  19. Lin Min, Zhang Gui-Qing, Chen Tian-Lun, Complex behavior in an integrate-and-fire neuron model based on small world networks, Communication in Theoretical Physics ( Beijing), 44(2):311-315,2005.


Min Lin, Influence of network topologies to dynamical behavior of complex system [Ph.D. Thesis]. Tianjin, China: Nankai University,2005.

Narrative Report (limit to 500 words)

The phenomenon of self-organized criticality has been observed in many extended dissipative systems. My  passion in past research focused on the self-organized criticality in dissipative system. Jointly with my colleagues, we have investigated the self-organized critical behavior in complex network and influence of networks topologies to nonlinear dynamical behavior.  

The  research on nonlinear dynamic methods, that allowing the quantification of time series has been carried out in recent works in China. I hope that I can develop novel analytical techniques of data analysis and find their application in the nonlinear dynamics for the analysis of fractal behavior and complex network properties.