This program was set up in 1979, and was approved of Master's degree program by the Office of Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council in 1986. Our program attaches importance to basic mathematical theories; moreover, it puts particular emphasis on the application research in the areas of ocean, information, biology, economics, etc. Currently, the main research fields of the group include:Dyamical systems and artificial neural networks;Nolinear partial differential equations and its applications; Hamilton dyamical systems and its applications.
So far, the group has made a number of advanced international achievements in both theory and application research, and has undertaken over twenty national and provincial funding project. Academic exchange has been widely developed with universities of many countries, such as, the ?xml:namespace>United States, UK,Canada, Italy and Japan. In addition to the complete professional documents and research journals, the large or medium scale computer laboratories and university library will be very helpful for students' development.