Cao, Yongchang
Release time: 2014-04-22     Viewed:

Name: Yongchang Cao

Current position: lecturer

Contact Information:

School of Mathematical Sciences,

Ocean University of China,

238 Songling Road,

Qingdao, China, 266100


Office Phone:

Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics
May 2009
Department of Mathematics, University of Science & Technology China,
B. Sc. in Mathematics and Applied Mathematics
June 2004
Department of Mathematics, University of Science & Technology China,

Professional Experience:

2009present: in School of Mathematical Science at Ocean University of China
Teaching Courses: Calculus, Discrete Mathematics, Modern Algebra.

Research Interests:
Graph Theory:
Domination problems in graph theory, bondage number & feedback number


1.National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.10671191), Research on several problems in the network graph theory. 2007.1-2009.12. Participant.

2.National Natural Science Foundation of China (for Youths, No.11201374), Research on the theory and algorithm of p- control theory. 2013.1-2015.12. Participant.

3.National Natural Science Foundation of China (for Youth, No.11201440), The coloring problem in graph theory and its application in the network. 20013.1-2015.12. Participant.

Selected Publications:

1.Yong-Chang Cao, Jia Huang, Jun-Ming Xu, The Bondage Number of Graphs with Crossing Number Less than Four, Ars Combinatoria, 112 (2013), 493-502.

2.Yong-Chang Cao, Jun-Ming Xu, Xirong Xu, On Bondage Number of Toroidal Graphs, Journal of University of Science and Technology ofChina 39(3) (2009), 225-228.