Curriculum Vitae
Name:Linjie Zhang
Current position: Associate Professor
Contact Information:
School of Mathematical Sciences,
Ocean University of China,
238 Songling Road,
Qingdao, China, 266100
Office Phone:
Ph.D. of Science in Engineering,Aug 2007,Keio University, Japan
M. Sc. of Science in Engineering,Sep 2004,Keio University, Japan
B. Sc. of Computer Science and Engineering,July 1997,Xi’an Jiaotong University,
Professional Experience:
l1997—1999: Programer, Shandong Langchao ,China
l2000—2001. System Engineer, Digital Cosmos Cooperation, Japan
l2001—2003. System Engineer, NetCom Cooperation, Japan
l2007—present: Department of Mathematics at Ocean University of China
Current position: Associate Professor
Teaching Courses: Database, C++ programming, Java Programming, Advanced Mathematics
Research Interests:
Numerical Computation Method:
Approximate solution of large sparse linear systems, Numerical solution of Partial
differential equations.
Parallel computing:
Parallelization of various methods in numerical computation and image engineering.
1.Natural Science Foundation of Shandong province(ZR2013FQFQ026),Research of real-time ship target detection and recognition based on SAR image,2013.10-2016.10
2.The National Key Research and Development Program of China(2016YFC1401007), A New Model of Marine Microwave Remote Sensing Detection Mechanism and Its Application, 201609-202012
Selected Publications:
1.Linjie Zhang, Takashi Nodera, An Adaptive Restart of GMRES(m) Method by Using Ritz Values, ACSVol.7,303-312, 2004.
2.Linjie Zhang, Takashi Nodera, A New Adaptive GMRES(m) Algorithm with Correction,Electronic Supplement of the Anziam Journal, Vol. 46 (E), pp. C409-C425, 2005.
3.Linjie.Zhang,Kentaro Moriya,Takashi Nodera, Two level parallel preconditioning derived from an approximate inverse based on the Sherman-Morrison formula,J. ANZIAM,54(E),pp E1-E25,2012
4.ZHANG Lin-Jie and LIU Yan-Yan, “The research for numerical solution of the inverse parabolic equations with convection terms”, Periodical of Ocean University of China, Vol. 43, No. 4, 123-128, 2013.
5.ZHANG Linjie, ZHANG Jie, ZHANG Xi and LANG Haita, “Task distribution balancing for parallel two-parameter CFAR ship detection”, Journal of Remote Sensing, Vol. 20, NO. 2, 344-351, 2016.
6.CHEN Yuhu, ZHANG Linjie and LANG HaiTao, “Acceleration of Large Size Image Target Detection Based on FCM on CPU+GPU Platform”, Periodical of Ocean University of China, Vol. 47, No. 2, 94-100, 2017.
7.LIU Yi-Li1, ZHANG Lin-Jie, ZHANG Xi and CHEN Yu-Hu, “Comparison between two implementations of two-parameters CFAR ship detection method”, Periodical of Ocean University of China, 2017.
8.ZHANG Linjie, ZHANG Xi and LANG HaiTao, “Ship target detection in high resolution SAR images based on FCM”, Periodical of Ocean University of China, 2017.