Lihui Wang

Lihui     Wang


Telephone:     +86-532- 6678 7086


Educational     Background

1.     1997.09 – 2001.07     B.A.         Dalian University of Foreign Languages

2.     2001.09 – 2004.04     M.A.         Dalian Maritime University

3.     2006.07 – 2012. 06     PhD          Flinders University of     South Australia

Career     History

1.     2004.05 – 2006.07      Teacher of     English at Qingdao Technological University   

2.     2013.04 – now         Teacher of     English at Ocean University of China

Research     Interests

Lihui     Wang is a lecturer in the School of Foreign Languages at Ocean University     of China. She received her PhD from Flinders University. Her research     interests include learning strategies, students’ knowledge about learning     in second language acquisition, and learning and teaching English for     special purposes.

Representative     Publications and Achievements

[1] Wang, L. H., M. Lawson & D. Curtis. 2015. The effect of image quality training on reading comprehension of EFL students using the keyword method [J]. Language Teaching Research 19: 435-454.

[2] Wang, L. H. & M. Lawson. 2014. Visual mental imagery: A key representational format [A]. In Williams, H-A (ed.). Transforming the Future of Learning with Educational Research [C]. Adelaide: IGI Global.

[3] Wang, L. H., H. M. Wang, Q. Zhao, F. Lin & Y. Q. Qin. 2015. Teacher questioning in college English class: A guide to critical thinking [J]. Global Journal of Human-Social Science 15: 1-5.