Shumei Xu, Associate Prof. & Dr.

I. Basic Information

lFamiliy Name: XU

lGiven Name: SHUMEI

lGender: Female

lDate of birth: April, 1970

lPlace of birth: Xuchang, Henan

lContact address: Colleage of Marine Geosciences, Ocean University of

China, No.238, Songling Road, 266100, Qingdao,

Shandong Province, P.R.China

lPhones: 0086-532-66782716(OfficeA404)

lE-mail address:

II. Education and Profession

1. Education obtained

lJilin University,Geology, B.Sc., Changchun, China, July, 1992

lBeiJing University, Petrology, M.Sc., Beijing, China, July, 1997

lOcean University of China,Geology, Ph.D., Qingdao, China, July, 2005

lSinopec Shengli Oilfield Limited Company, Geology, Post-doctor, Dongying, China, February, 2008

2. Professional positions

lLecture, Ocean University of China (Nov., 1997-Dec., 2003)

lAssociate Professor, Ocean University of China (Feb., 2004-present)

lM.Sc. Supervisor, Ocean University of China (Jan., 2005 -present)

3. Memberships and responsibilities of academic societies

lEditorial member, Journal of Palaeogeography (Chinese Version)

lCommittee member, Committee of Minerology Petrology and Geochemical Society of China

4. Honors and awards

lFourth investigator of Second-order Award of Natural Sciences, Shandong(2009)

5. Keyprojects

lProgram of NSFC, Key Project: Plate Reconstruction of Pangeain East Asia, Program: Early Paleozoic Assembly of small blocks and Paleogeography related to Proto-Tethys Ocean(41190072, 2012.01-2016.12), Principla Investigator.

lKey Program of Ocean University of China, Reconstruction and Animation of Ocean Circulation and Marine Sediment Dynamics in the South China Sea at the Key Stages of Cenozoic(2010.01-2013.12), Principla Investigator

lKey Program of PetroChina, Tectonic Conditions Oil-Gas Preservation in the Xuefengshan Intracontinental Teconic System(YPH08004, 2006.08-2011.07), Principla Investigator

6. National invention patents

l[National Invention Patent]. Simulation to generate device of Natural Gas Hydrates (NGH), Inventors: Shumei Xu, Zhimin Cao, Xiaodong Zhang. Patent No.: ZL200510044341.X

III. Research Domains

1. General

lSequence Stratigraphy, Basin Analysis, Continental Dynamics and Marine Geodynamics.

2. Application

lApplication of methods and techniques of Sequence Stratigraphy and Basin Analysis to different types of basin in China and its adjacent seas suck as Bohai Bay Basin, The Eeast sea shelf basin,South China Sea Basin, Ordos Basin and The North China Craton basin et al for their sequence patterns and Basin sedimentary style.

3. Recent interests

lMigration patterns of subsidencecenter of basin in East China and its adjacent seas of Cenozoic and basin evolution;

l“Helan Aulacogen” deposition pattern and basin type of Paleozoic, marine-landpattern among Alashan paleo-land, North China Plate and Zhongqilian paleo-landmass of Paleozoic;

lThe gas reservoirs, gas genetic models and occurrences ofgas-genetic models of natural gas and coal-formed gas resource in the southern part of North China basin, Ordos Basin and Sihuan Basin.

IV. Major Publications

[1]. Xu, S. M., Zhang, B. K., Zhang, H. Y., et al. Characteristics and genetic mechanism of “Similar Broom like Faults” in Dongying Sag, Jiyang Depression, East China. 28th AES Meeting of Sedimentology. Zaragoza, Spain.2011, 461.

[2]. Xu Shumei, Zhai shikui, Zhang aibin. Redox environment effect on the redox sensitive elements in surface sediments of the Changjiang Estuary hypoxia zone. Frontier of Earth Science in China, 2008, 2(1):10~16.