I. Basic Information
lFamiliy Name: LIU
lGiven Name: Huaishan
lGender: Male
lDate of birth: Oct., 1962
lPlace of birth: Weifang city, Shandong Province
lContact address: Department of Marine Geosciences, Ocean University of
?xml:namespace> China, No.238, Songling Road, 266100, Qingdao,
266100, Shandong Province, P.R.China
lPhones: 0086-532-66786511(OfficeC508); 0086-13708982356
lE-mail address: lhs@ouc.edu.cn
II. Education and Profession
1. Education obtained
lOcean University of China. Qingdao City, China | Ph.D., Major in Geophysics, Specialize in Oil&Gas Exploration and Signal Processing. Dissertation: "Waveform Consistency Signal Processing and Its Application." 06/1997.
lQingdao Ocean University. Qingdao City, China | M.S., Major in Geophysics, Specialize in Oil&Gas Exploration and Signal Processing. Thesis: "Study and Application on a new kind of AVO Signal Processing Method." 12/1992.
lShandong Ocean College. Qingdao City, China | B.S., in Marine Geophysics, Specialize in Oil&Gas Exploration, 07/1983.
2. Professional positions
lProfessor, Ocean University of China (Dec., 2000 -present)
lPh. D. Supervisor, Ocean University of China (Jan., 2003 -present)
3. Memberships and responsibilities of academic societies
lDeputy Chairman, Nation Safety Geophysics Academy, 2008--present
lDeputy Chairman, Nation GIS Examination Committee, 2009--present
lEditorial board member, Journal of Ocean University of China (Chinese)
lEditorial board member, Applied Geophysics
lActive Member, SEG
4. Honors and awards
lOperator Award of Advanced Science and Technology, Shandong Province, China (1992)
5. Keyprojects
lNatural Gas Hydrates Geophysics New Signal Processing Method (2009CB219505) (01/2009-12/2013) Sponsored by the Chinese National Programs for Fundamental Research and Development (973 Project).
lSignal Processing Method of SWD (2006AA06A108) (01/2007-06/2011). Sponsored by high technology Program (863 Project), Ministry of Science and Technology of PRC
lBase on Seismic Oceanology Offshore Water Body Identity Research (41176077) (01/2012-12/2015), Sponsored by NSFC.
lSeabed Spark Exploration System and Imaging Foundation Reseach (41230318) (01/2012-12/2015), Sponsored by NSFC.
lNatural Gas Hydrates Geophysics 3D Exploration Technology (2013AA092501) (01/2013-12/2016). Sponsored by hightechnology Program (863 Project), Ministry of Science and Technology of PRC
lSignal Processing Method of SWD (01/2012-12/2015). Sponsored by the Important National Science&Technology Specific Projects.
III. Research Domains
lMarine Geophysics, Oil&Gas Exploration, Signal Processing.
IV. Major Publications
More than 120 papers and about 30 SCI-indexed & EI-indexed papers since 2003.
List of Major Publications as Follows:
[1]. Liu Huaishan, Hu Yi, Yin Yanxin, Wang Linfei, Tong Siyou, MaHai. Shallow water body data processing based on the seismic oceanography, Journal of Ocean University of Qingdao, 2013, 12(3), 319-326
[2]. Gao Wei, Liu Huai-shan. Strong noise attenuation method based on the multiuser kurtosis criterion, Applied Geophysics, 2013,10(1), 25-32
[3]. LIU Huaishan, HUANG Guangnan, HE Yi, TONG Siyou, CUI Shuguo, and ZHANG Jin. AVO Character Research of Natural Gas Hydrate in the East China Sea. Journal of Ocean University of Qingdao, 2009, 8(3), 270-276
[4]. Zhou Q C, Liu H S, Kondrashkov V V, Li Q D, Lin Y H. Ellipse evolving common reflection point velocity analysis and its application to oil and gasdetection. Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, 2009, 6(1):53-60
[5]. ZHOU Qing-Chun, LIU Huai-Shan, Kondrashkov V V, LI Guo-Du, LIN Yi-Hua. Research of dual parameters evolving common reflection point stack and velocity analysis method. Chinese Journal of Geophysics, 2009, 52(7),1881-1890
[6]. ZHOU Qing-Chun, LIU Huai-Shan, Kondrashkov V V, LI Guo-Du, LIN Yi-Hua, GAOJing-Huai. Research and application of ellipse evolving common reflection point stack method. Chinese Journal of Geophysics, 2009, 52(1), 122-133
[7]. CUI Shu-guo, LIU Huai-shan, HE Yi, WU Jin-long. Surface-Related Multipe Elimination on High-Resolution Geopulse Profile. China Ocean Engineering, 2008, 22(2), 331-339.
[8]. Shuguo Cui, Huaishan Liu, Siyou Tong, Jin Zhang, Zhiqiang Wu, Jinglong Wu. Seismic stratigraphy of the quaternary Yellow River delta, BohaiSea, eastern China. Marine Geophysical Researches, 2008, 29(1), 27-42