Mingzhuang ZHU
Engineer, Laboratory of Protozoology
Key Laboratory of Marine Aquaculture, Ministry of Education, Fisheries College, Ocean University of China
5 Yushan Road, Phone: 86-532-82032979
Qingdao 266003, Fax: 86-532-82032979
P. R. China Email: zhumz@ouc.edu.cn
BS, Fisheries Resources and Management, Ocean University of China, 1998
MS, Hydrobiology, Ocean University of China, 2006
Research Interests:
Protozoan cellular toxicology. Mainly concerns on the effect of toxic compounds on protozoa at cell-, organelle-, and molecular levels. Potential model organisms and biomarkers are screened for their utility in the development of methods for the rapid detection of contaminants in the environment.

Pan X.M., Zhu M., Ma H.G., Al-Rasheid K.A.S & Hu X. 2013. Morphology and small-subunit rRNA gene sequences of two novel marine ciliates, Metanophrys orientalis spec. nov. and Uronemella sinensis spec. nov. (Protista, Ciliophora, Scuticociliatia), with an improved diagnosis of the genus Uronemella. Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol. 63: 3515-3523.
Zhu M., Jiang Y., Zhang W., Al-Rasheid K. A. S. & Xu H. 2012. Can non-loricate ciliate assemblages be a surrogate to analyze taxonomic relatedness pattern of ciliated protozoan communities for marine bioassessment? A case study in Jiaozhou Bay, northern China. Water Environ. Res. 84: 2045-2053