Internet Access Account

Please follow the instructions below to access the Internet


﹥﹥For Students:


I. Newly-enrolled students will have their own Internet account after registration.


User name: student number
Password: the last six digits of your ID number


II. How does one gain access to the Internet by himself?


1. Put money on your Internet account. You can use the on-campus transfer machine to transfer money from OUC e-Card to your Internet account on your own.
2. Download and install Internet client software on your computer. You can download it from, or get a copy from the computers in the hall at the Network and Information Centre or from senior students living in your dormitory. Run the software, and then enter user name (the student number) and password to log in.
3. Go to http// to confirm the terms of service and fill in user information, including your contact information, dormitory number, etc.
4. Once the start-up operation in the self-service website is completed, you can get access to the Internet (If you do not put money on your account, there will be a message popping up saying that Internet service is not available because of no credit on the account.)


﹥﹥For Faculty Members


New faculty members need to apply for an Internet account at the Network and Information Center and put money on the account. Each member is permitted to have only one account with your staff number as the user name.


1. Faculty members do not need to install client software. You only need to apply for an IP address from those who are in charge of IP addresses in your work unit. Each computer can have only one IP address.
2. Set your applied IP address on your computer. Go to Enter your account number and password into the login box that pops up, and then the
Internet will be available.


Notice: You can still get access to OUC’s in-house network and online services if there is an insufficient balance in your Internet account.


Service Hotlines:     +86-532-66782222 (Laoshan Campus)
                                  +86-532-82032161 (Yushan Campus)
                                  +86-532-85902025 (Fushan Campus)


Fee Charges:


One yuan per day for students (0.5yuan for faculty members) from the day of opening an account until the end of the same month. From the first day of the next month, money will be deducted from your Internet account on a monthly basis. No money will be charged if there is no data traffic. On the first day of each month, 30 yuan (15 yuan for faculty members) will be deducted as the fee for the previous month. In order to get access to the Internet, please make sure you have at least 30 yuan (15 yuan for faculty members) in your account.